The Contemporary Art of Wayne Sherrard
About The Artist
Landscape Art
Floral Art
Figurative Art
Abstract Art
Digital Art
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Wayne's Books

What's New From Wayne's Studio:  November 3, 2024. At last, my new studio is set up and I am starting to create new paintings. The last 7 months were difficult because we had to pack, move and set up in our new home. It took way more time than anticipated. Now I have more space to create larger paintings too. Feb 12, 2024: I have just created my first '3D' rose. I love it! Top row of Latest Batch of Paintings . October 1, 2023: just released my new painting called 'Spirit Island in the Moonlight'. This painting has special memories. I worked there in the summer of 1968 and have now written about it in my second book called 'That Summer in Jasper Park' to be released in the near future'.

Now available: four floral paintings, one abstract and three landscapes as limited edition Giclee prints. There are now four of Wayne's paintings being enjoyed on the other side of the world, in Australia. Thank you to a special customer.

NOTE: As of May 1, 2023 Wayne has sold 184 original paintings through the Old Strathcona Arts Emporium! (Also 26 prints). A continuing thank you to my wonderful customers and the Emporium!

My nonfiction book, "Really, Granddad?" is available at Daisy Chain Book, Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Kobo, Google, Apple, Audrey's Books, etc. View book details on this site: click here The audiobook of 'Really, Granddad?' is now available on Amazon, iTunes, Audible, Google, Kobo, Spotify and 40+ platforms

Bonnie Casault has written a poem for young people called 'Colors'. It uses Wayne's paintings to enhance the beauty of the prose. It is in the form of a Powerpoint video. Click here on the youtube video:

In A Dream

Many of my paintings are rich with texture. "Morning Coffee" shown on the right side is an example. It is a joy to see it. The texture holds your eye and makes the viewing enjoyable. Another "eye candy" example is "Trudging Home, Three" (the street lamp painting in the middle). You can just imagine slogging through the fresh snow down a quiet street.

The painting shown on the immediate left is my painting of a Vincent van Gogh composition. The right side painting called "Morning Coffee" is Wayne's composition created in a "van Gogh style".



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 © Copyright 2003-2025Wayne Sherrard.  This web site and all images on this site are protected by copyright and may not be reproduced without the artist's prior written permission.